About Us
Since 2002, thecannon.ca has been the online community for undergraduate students at the University of Guelph.
Co-owned by the Central Student Association and the Guelph Campus Co-operative, we offer comprehensive, free classifieds to buy and sell everything from housing rentals to course books. We also serve as a forum for students to stay up-to-date on current events in the Guelph area. The site is 100% student-funded and all of its content is user-generated.
Our Mission
“To provide a forum for students at the University of Guelph to become engaged in community life and current events on campus and in the City of Guelph.
Thecannon.ca fulfills this mission by providing free online access to the following services:
- classifieds (a forum to advertise items and services in the community)
- event listings (a forum to advertise happenings in the community)
- news (a forum to read about current events and opinions in the community)
Thecannon is a not-for-profit, student funded organization. We do not accept third-party financing or corporate advertising.
Thecannon aims to offer the most comprehensive services possible in each of the three services listed. We strive to change and grow with the needs of our users.
Thecannon is community-driven. We encourage participation in the ongoing development of the website by allowing users to upload content and provide feedback on their experiences. We reward users for their participation by running contests and offering free training and other incentives for volunteers.”